This document has been prepared in order to clearly set out the key priorities and objectives for Dunstable Town Council over the next Four years (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023).

The document sets out a vision for the Council and the Council’s six corporate priorities, which are:

  1. Continuing to improve the organisational management, efficiency and environmental sustainability of the Town Council
  2. To preserve and enhance the history and identity of the town, creating a sense of pride in Dunstable
  3. To further improve and develop the provision of green and open space in the town
  4. To continue to improve services targeted to all community sectors in the town
  5. To contribute to the regeneration of the town centre and development of neighbourhoods in the town
  6. To represent residents, businesses and community groups of Dunstable on key strategic issues facing the town

The aim of the document is to give Dunstable residents a clear understanding of what the Council is trying to achieve and how it intends to deliver. It sets out what the Council intends to focus on over the next four years and in doing this the document also defines what the Council will not necessarily focus on as it may be that other public sector bodies are better placed for other areas of service provision.

It is not a traditional Town plan that many town and parish councils produce but is a document that aims to set out what the Council can achieve rather than a document that seeks to influence others on issues that are not directly under the control of the Council.

The document will be reviewed on an annual basis and updates on achievements will be reported through the Council’s annual reporting process.

To view the document you can either use our online version by using the navigation tools below or you can download your copy of it.
