The Grounds and Environmental Services Committee comprises of 10 Members plus the Town and Deputy Town Mayor.

(i) To determine all matters relating to highways, footpaths and bridleways.

(ii) To respond, on behalf of the Council, to the proposals of other authorities relating to transportation and car parking issues, including traffic regulation orders.

(iii) The determine all matters relating to the provision and maintenance of, bus shelters.

(iv) To determine all matters relating to the provision and day to day running of allotments/leisure gardens, parks, recreation grounds, open spaces and play areas in the control of the Council.

(v) To determine all issues relating to the management and maintenance of Dunstable Cemetery.

(vi) To consider all Planning Applications within the Parish submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council and subsequently advise the District Planning Authority of the Town Council’s views.
(This function has in turn been delegated to the Plans Sub-Committee).

(vii) To consider any local plans, proposed listed buildings, conservation areas, tree preservation orders and building preservation orders.

(viii) To consider all matters relating to the physical environment of the town, including litter and dog control, re-cycling of waste materials and liaising with local interest groups on such issues.

(ix) To assemble and submit to the Finance and General Purposes Committee an income and expenditure budget for each financial year in respect of all the services of this Committee.

(x) To determine all matters relating to the Council’s management of Creasey Park Community Football Centre and the associated management contract with Central Bedfordshire Council.