Dunstable Leads the Way with Innovative Green Initiatives: Three LivingPillars® Installed on High Street North
In an exciting initiative to enhance Dunstable’s urban environment and boost biodiversity, Dunstable Town Council has become the first Town Council in the country, and the first in Central Bedfordshire to introduce LivingPillars®.
Installed along High Street North, these three eco-friendly columns are a groundbreaking addition to the town, providing biodiversity corridors that help pollinators navigate between green spaces.
In collaboration with renowned Urban Greening experts Scotscape, the LivingPillars® are designed to support the town’s commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. With recirculating irrigation, powered by solar, each column is planted with a variety of plants that will attract and provide a habitat for local insects, such as bees and butterflies, fostering a healthier, more vibrant ecosystem within the urban landscape. Nesting and Insect boxes will be included within the planting.
These LivingPillars® will also play a pivotal role in supporting Dunstable In Bloom campaign, enhancing the town’s green spaces and contributing to its reputation as a forward-thinking, environmentally conscious community. The initiative exemplifies Dunstable’s leadership in using innovative solutions for positive environmental impact.
Councillor Liz Jones Chair of the Community Services Committee said: “We’re thrilled to be the first in Central Bedfordshire to introduce these LivingPillars®. This project aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability and enhancing the natural beauty of our town. We hope these LivingPillars® will inspire other communities to embrace similar eco-friendly solutions.”
The LivingPillars® which feature a combination of 50% perennial and 50% shrub planting, offer more than just visual appeal. By creating an inviting habitat for pollinators and other wildlife, they help to maintain and boost biodiversity in Dunstable, making a lasting impact on the environment whilst improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.
This initiative reflects Dunstable’s proactive approach to tackling climate change and promoting sustainable urban development. The LivingPillars® are just one of the many exciting green projects underway as part of the UKSPF programme, which aims to promote economic regeneration and environmental sustainability across the region.
“We are delighted to see Dunstable lead the way with this initiative. Our LivingPillars® demonstrate how innovation can bring about positive environmental change in our towns and cities. They not only enhance the aesthetic value of the area but also encourage biodiversity and contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem.” Angus Cunningham Founder, Scotscape
The LivingPillars® on High Street North mark a significant milestone in Dunstable’s ongoing efforts to create a greener, more sustainable urban environment. With the success of this project, Dunstable is setting a shining example for other towns in Central Bedfordshire and beyond to follow.
Councillor Tracey Wye, Executive Member for Sustainability at Central Bedfordshire Council, said: “‘The UK Shared Prosperity Fund has enabled us to work with five Town Councils to support and enhance their town centres. Dunstable Town Council is delivering a range of projects to improve the town centre, community facilities and shared green spaces. The living pillars is an exemplar project, and we hope they become a real focal point for residents to enjoy as they grow and contribute to the local ecosystem.”
Thanks to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) through Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) for making this project possible.
Research documents on the LivingPillars® effect on …
Biodiversity 2022 University of East London biodiversity net gain (BNG) of LivingPillars™ | Research Projects
Pollution 2019 Greenwich University – Plants ability to absorb Pollution | Scotscape