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Dunstable Town Council offers funding and support to local groups


Jemma Candy


October 17, 2022


One of Dunstable Town Council’s main priorities is giving back to the local community. To help us achieve this, we can offer funding to organisations and individuals in Dunstable who share the same goal.

In 2022/23 Dunstable Town Council awarded the following Seedcorn Grants. These are one off grants to help individuals and new community groups grow.

Dunstable Wombles – Children’s litter pickers and bin bag hoops

Hillcroft Allotment Association – Bench and plants for communal area

In 2023/24 Dunstable Town Council has awarded the following Seedcorn Grant.

It Takes a Village – Hall hire costs to establish a new Parent and toddler group at Beecroft Community Centre.

If you are an individual with a community idea or belong to a new and emerging community group why not apply for a Seedcorn Grant. The process is simple and it could really help your idea grow to the next stage.

Dunstable Town Council are proud to be supporting the following organisations over the next four years through new Service Level Agreements. These agreements will see new services being delivered directly to Dunstable residents, improving wellbeing and quality of life.

SLA’s have been awarded to:

Citizens Advice – New out of hours (evening) advice service one day a week.

Dunstable Hospice at Home Volunteers – Training of existing and additional volunteers to grow service.

Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity – To deliver more services to the community and voluntary sector in Dunstable.

Dunstable Foodbank – To purchase freezers in order to extend the service and to develop the range of products available.

If your organisation is interested in applying for a Service Level Agreement please follow the links below for guidance notes and an online application form.

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