A Life-Saving Defibrillator for the Community
A newly installed defibrillator is now ready for community use, thanks to the team effort from Grove Corner and for Central Bedfordshire Council’s generous contribution from the Ward Councillor Grant [...]
22nd June, 2023
Silver Investors in People Status
Dunstable Town Council Achieves Silver Investors in People Status, Demonstrating Dedication to Employee Excellence Dunstable Town Council is delighted to announce its achievement of the prestigious Silver Investors in [...]
21st June, 2023
Cars, Trucks & Middle Row
Dunstable was the place to be on Saturday 10 June, as an array of over 190 vintage vehicles was on display in Priory Gardens. The Dunstable Classic Motor Rally [...]
15th June, 2023
Dunstable Town Council offers funding and support to local groups
One of Dunstable Town Council's main priorities is giving back to the local community. To help us achieve this, we can offer funding to organisations and individuals in Dunstable who [...]
17th October, 2022
Dunstable wins at Britain in Bloom 2022!
Dunstable wins Category Winner of the Large Town Category and receives a Gold medal in the 2022 RHS Britain in Bloom competition! The Town Mayor of Dunstable, Cllr Liz [...]
10th October, 2022
Proclamation of King Charles III
Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and Dunstable Town Mayor proclaim the accession of King Charles III The historic event took place in Grove House Gardens on Sunday 11 September [...]
22nd September, 2022
3 Green Flag Awards for Dunstable!
Priory Gardens, Grove House Gardens and Dunstable Cemetery are all awarded the coveted Green Flag Award and are officially recognised as among the best parks and cemeteries in the [...]
22nd September, 2022
Dunstable wins 11 awards at Anglia in Bloom!
Dunstable are proud to have achieved another Gold at Anglia in Bloom, and ten other awards! On Wednesday 7 September, Dunstable Town Mayor, Cllr. Liz Jones, Town [...]
22nd September, 2022
Restoration of Priory House
Restoration work to the medieval undercroft at Dunstable’s Priory House commenced in September 2022. An undercroft is a cellar, often brick-lined and vaulted, and was used [...]
22nd August, 2022
Dunstable Town Mayor leads Queen’s Green Canopy Tree Planting
Dunstable Town Mayor, Cllr Gloria Martin plants trees with local organisations to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. A tree planting event to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee took place [...]
11th March, 2022
Dunstable: RHS Britain in Bloom 2022 Finalist!
Dunstable Town Council and Dunstable in Bloom are pleased to announce that Dunstable has been selected by Anglia in Bloom to represent the region as one of 46 finalists [...]
11th February, 2022
Priory Gardens Survey
In May and June 2021 Historic England undertook an archaeological geophysical survey (non-intrusive survey) using a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) along with an earthwork survey (also non-intrusive survey) of [...]
9th August, 2021
Conclusion of Audit
To view the document you can either use our online version by using the navigation tools below or at the very bottom of this page you can download a [...]
27th March, 2018