Since the middle of November, the events I have undertaken have focused very much on the community of Dunstable and recognising others.

I’ve attended a number of award evenings; opened several events and been made welcome at health and wellbeing events.
I’ve attended several educational facilities and been really excited to see the energy and focus given to reading once again with physical books.
Over the pandemic the turning of pages moved towards a click on a kindle or online app, but in recent months several schools have really driven the change to ensuring our young people physically spend time reading books in the schools and at home. Ardley Hill Academy have followed in the footsteps of Larkrise with an outdoor library.

Not many people know that Bedfordshire has a day each year where it celebrates. November 28th is designated Bedfordshire Day and this year Mayor’s from across the county gathered along with the Lord Lieutenant, Susan Lousada, to reflect on the good things from across our county.

I’ve held a further event raising £1000 for my chosen charities. Thanks to Vantage restaurant for an amazing meal and to the ladies from Abba Twist who provided us with so much love of Abba in the room. I have to thank some of my fellow Mayors and close friends for getting into the spirit of the night with me and dressing up …

The towns Christmas lights this year are fabulous and it was a great switch on event with our annual Torchlight and Carols event in the Square. The tree in Priory Gardens is once again looking fantastic as is the tree on the Square, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Dunstable.
The Twilight Market weekend was hit by poor weather conditions and sadly we were not able to trade on Saturday, however the Friday and Sunday both provided a lovely atmosphere and drew people to visit and spend money with the traders. Thanks to the local businesses in Ashton Square and Middle Row who extended or changed their normal hours to coincide with the market.   It was lovely to visit each of the stall holders and hear about the items they were selling, many of which had been hand crafted. Thanks to Alexander & Co and Everyone Active for their sponsoring of the event and to The Rotary Club of Dunstable for supporting the Santa’s Grotto over the weekend.
Leading up to Christmas I have events to attend that once again focus on our community.
I’ll be attending the
  • Salvation Army Toy and Food Appeal and seeing the team who are putting all the boxes together
  • Central Bedfordshire College whose catering students are putting on a over 60s Christmas Lunch, where I’ll be putting an apron on and helping to serve the meals
  • Methodist Church who are hosting this year’s Luton Vauxhall Male Voice Choir event
  • Opening of The Milky Bar on the corner of High Street South
  • Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Carol Service in Woburn
January is always a quiet month for the Mayoral role. I have a charity event at the Old Hunters Lodge on the 28 January and have a few tickets left if anyone would like to join us. The link is here for you to book your tickets
In February, we head back to the 80s and enjoy a two course meal from Lisa Robert’s Catering and a traditional 80s disco from 1981 Events. Tickets are on sale now via this link
For March we have my Civic Service on Sunday March 3rd and on St Patrick’s Day I’m planning a 5 mile run through the streets of Dunstable starting and finishing at Creasey Park in conjunction with Dunstable Road Runners.
A busy 2023 comes to an end, and I would like to thank everyone for their support this year, their contribution to our town and our community. There have been challenges and I know we will face further challenges in 2024, but together we can strive to overcome these.
I finish by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.