VE Day 80th Anniversary

Thursday 8 May 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe. Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) celebrated on 8 May 1945, remembers the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces. The news of Germany’s surrender brought immense joy and relief as years of conflict came to a close. People across the country took to the streets, waving flags and joining spontaneous parades in celebration. VE Day remains a significant moment in history, symbolising victory over totalitarianism and the beginning of recovery and rebuilding.

In honour of this commemorative occasion, Dunstable Town Council would like to encourage, and contribute to local street parties held by residents of Dunstable.

A total of £1,000 has been made available to community groups and local residents, with individual grants of up to £100, which can be spent on anything from food, entertainment, decorations or even a bouncy castle.

If you wish to apply for a grant towards holding your own VE Day Street Party, which must be held in Dunstable between Saturday 3 – 11 May 2025, you can download an application form below.

You will need to include a description of where you will be holding your party, what your plans for the day are and how you will spend the money granted to you should your application be successful. The more detail you provide on your party, the higher your chances of a successful application.

If your application is successful the funds will be reimbursed electronically to your nominated account after your street party has occurred. You will have to supply receipts showing proof of purchase and a photo of your street party.

Closing date for grant applications is Friday 18 April 2025. Applications received after this date will not be considered. All applicants will notified on the success of their applications after the closing date.

Road Closures

Central Bedfordshire Council will be granting the residence of Dunstable free road closures for their VE Day Street Party which must be held between Saturday 3 – 11 May 2025, however please note that applications will be assessed on an individual basis by Central Bedfordshire Council.

Road Closure applications must be submitted by Friday 25 April 2025. 

Residents wanting to apply for a road closure will need to fill out the application form below and return it as soon as possible to

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need to close my road?

If you’re planning to have a street party on a public road, you will have to apply for a road closure that must be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council. For more information visit

  1. Do I need insurance cover?

For a small residential street party it is up to you whether you buy Public Liability Insurance although this is not necessary. If you think insurance will be a good idea you may find it helpful to visit and

  1. Do I need an alcohol license?

No, sharing drinks with your friends, family and neighbours does not require a license. It is only necessary if alcohol is sold.

Please note that Grants cannot be used for the purchase of Alcohol.

  1. Do I need an entertainment license?

No, an entertainment license is not required provided that live or pre-recorded music is not advertised, you are not making money and the street party is private for friends, family and residence only.

  1. Do I need a permit to sell food?

No, as a private party you do not need a license to sell food up to 11 pm. You can keep costs low by asking your neighbours to bring food to share with others.

  1. Do I need permission to have a tombola or raffle?

No, you will not need to get permission to hold a tombola or raffle provided that they are sold on the day and that prizes aren’t worth more than £500 in total.

Useful Links

VE Day 80

Streets Alive – The Street Party Site

Street Party Application Form