The Pokémon Club is a great way of making new friends whilst playing the game of Pokémon.

Originating in Japan this card trading game is great fun to play, easy to learn and perfect for all aged 8 to 18 of all abilities. Players use Pokémon cards, with individual strengths and weaknesses, in an attempt to defeat their opponent by “knocking out” their Pokémon cards.

Want to learn more about this club then pop down to Grove Corner on a Tuesday or contact us for more details: Telephone 01582 891434

Pokémon operates two sessions each Tuesday:

5.00 pm to 6.30 pm for 8 to 13 year olds – to book email

6.45 pm to 8.15 pm for 14 to 18 year olds – to book email

You can also like Grove Corners Facebook and Instagram pages to keep up to date of any information regarding Pokémon Club and anything else!