Dunstable Town Council is made up of 18 elected Councillors. The latest Town Council Elections were held in May 2023 and the elected Councillors will serve for a term of four years. Town Councillors serve voluntarily and do not receive any payment or allowances. The Councillors annually elect one of their number to be the Town Mayor. The Council’s Code of Conduct requires all members and co-opted members to register any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests. The Monitoring Officer of Central Bedfordshire Council maintains the register of interests which can be found on their website.

For ward and contact details of all Town Councillors please view their individual profiles found below.

Dunstable Town Council Committee Membership

Finance and General Purposes

Councillors Louise O’Riordan (Town Mayor)

Sally Kimondo (Deputy Town Mayor)

Gregory Alderman (Chair)

Nicholas Kotarski (Vice-Chair)

Liz Jones

Peter Hollick

Kenson Gurney

Richard Attwell

Michelle Henderson

Wendy Bater

Matthew Brennan

John Gurney

Philip Crawley

Johnson Tamara

Community Services

Councillors Louise O’Riordan (Town Mayor)

Sally Kimondo (Deputy Town Mayor)

Liz Jones (Chair)

Matthew Neall (Vice-Chair)

John Gurney

Robert Blennerhassett

Wendy Bater

Nicholas Kotarski

Gregory Alderman

Mark Davis

Trevor Adams

Peter Hollick

Grounds and Environmental

Councillors Louise O’Riordan (Town Mayor)

Sally Kimondo (Deputy Town Mayor)

Richard Attwell (Chair)

Phillip Crawley (Vice-Chair)

Matthew Brennan

Robert Blennerhassett

Trevor Adams

Michelle Henderson

Mark Davis

Kenson Gurney

Matthew Neall

Johnson Tamara